sunnuntai 8. tammikuuta 2012

Youth and how I experience it

What is youth for teenagers here in Finland? Is it just trying to be cool and being a rebel for everybody? I think that there aren't so much of teen hooligan s around (1/ 50) and afterall adults treat everysingle teen like they were some sort of plague. Don't adults realize that they've been young once and it's something that never happens again so they should treat us more like adults, not like young kids.

That was how I think about youth. Universally today youth is freedom to do everything you want, go and come how you want, choose your own group of people. Let's compare two countries: Finland and Singapore. In Finland teens aged sixteen mostly hang around with their friends having fun just like Singaporean teens do. There

s a differences between Finnish and Singaporean teens in how they spend their time. While Finnish teens hang around cities and usually smoke or drink in Singapore teens go to movies or play games together for instance.

For me the youth means that you’re allowed to go and come have private space for your own thoughts and wishes. My teenage is completely different from my parents; My dad was born in 1938 so he didn’t have a teenage like we do today. My mom was born in the 50’s and she had a some sort of teenage. They’re banning almost everything they can think. If I get a bad grade from a exam they give me some sort of penalty. That is somehow unfair so after they give me penalty I do something that makes them wonder that was it fair to give him a penalty even when he tried his best. Teenage is time of life when you have the guts to do everything that comes to your mind. I love it and I wish that everybody could be teen for longer time. Celebrate the youth when your young!

4 kommenttia:

  1. You share a lot of your everyday life in this post. You really put yourself in to this. Minus the minor typos, a really good post.

  2. You are true that adults should treat us more like adults. You had typos in the first and the second paragraph, check them please. Some parts in your text doesn't make sense.

  3. I think the same way, about the short time that we are young, so we should take the most out of it.
    All in all, I think that it's a really good post.

  4. I do hope that we adults aren't really quite as bad as you describe in your post... There has always been, and I guess always will be some friction between the generations, though - it's unavoidable, and maybe an important element in the "rite of passage" from adolescence to adulthood.
    PS. Guys, comment on the contents of the post - no need to point out the typos any more, please!
