perjantai 18. toukokuuta 2012

School system of school systems

Like the Finnish educational board says in their homepage: “The main objective of Finnish education policy is to offer all citizens equal opportunities to receive education, regardless of age, domicile, financial situation, sex or native language. Education is considered to be one of the fundamental rights of all citizens.” I personally think that the Finnish school system should be called king of school systems.

    Personally I like being in school because it is somehow homey in there. Because the schools in Finland are many times smaller than in many other countries in the world so the teachers are able to communicate more friendly with the students and the quality of the teaching is really great due the small teaching groups. That is one big reason for the success of Finnish school system.

   A lot of the achievements of our school system comes from the test results of our pupils and students. One key to success is absolutely childhood. In kindergarten and in pre-school the children are thought how to communicate with others and they are being prepared for whole life lasting education.
In our society education is the alpha and omega in labour market but when the pupils come to teenage the hormones involve in to the play. Teens do not want to study and want to riot against everything possible. It is a bad thing for their future because if you “hate” school and think it is a prison your grades will go down like a Stuka on bombing run. Without good grades you might not be able to get to the school you want. Gladly this happens only to a small per cent of pupils in Finland.

     Comprehensive school gives you all the tools you need in further studying but from the beginning of our school career we nag about one thing: Food. Nutrition keeps you sharp and you come happier with full stomach. The school meals are free for pupils because they are paid by tax funds. But the quality of the meals varies from school to school. Finnish government spends around 50 cents/per student/per meal and in prison the price is almost tripled! This has been a big topic here but nothing has changed unfortunately.

   There is flaws in our system but the fact that it is famed all around the world and our school system is tried to be copycatted all around the world. That is one big achievement from Finland as a nation and a society and I am really proud that Finland is on the top of the food chain when it comes to education. I am really proud that I am going school here in Finland.